How Do You Make Your Bed?

How Do You Make Your Bed?  I am always fascinated by all the different ways I see how everyone puts their bed together.  Some have tons of layers and others have a real minimal approach.  I tend to fall in the middle somewhere.  I make my bed two ways- depending on how I feel when I get up.   I love the cozy layered look and the stripped down version too.

Probably most days you will find that I make my bed up this way.How Do You Make Your Bed?  I am always fascinated by all the different ways I see how everyone puts their bed together.  Some have tons of layers and others have a real minimal approach.  I tend to fall in the middle somewhere.  I make my bed two ways- depending on how I feel when I get up.   I love the cozy layered look and the stripped down version too.


I pull the comforter up all the way – – –

add the shame, decor pillows and a throw blanket.

That’s my pulled together version.

If I don’t feel like making the bed, I will probably just fold it part way up and tuck the sides in.

I’ll add the pillow shams – – –

and maybe the decorative pillows and a throw blanket.

I’ll put the plaid pillow on the stool next to the tree.

The dresser will stay pretty much the same, and I call that good.

How do you make your bed – are your super layers, cozy and inviting, or are you simple and minimal.?




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