Home » How To Create Vignettes With That Cottage Core Feeling

How To Create Vignettes With That Cottage Core Feeling

How To Create Vignettes With That Cottage Core Feeling.  If you look at all the wonderful examples in magazines and on Pinterest, the common thread is to use simple, fun objects together as a collection.  This means mixing candles, statues, books, paintings, and found objects all in one vignette.  My home has more of a contemporary style architecturally, however, it lends itself to a Transitional Style well.  From there the transition to a more homey or cottage-core vibe is just a matter of accessories.  For fall I wanted to switch out a couple of furniture pieces, and some art and swap out a lot of accessories to create this warmer style.  Let me show you how I did it.

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This is the cabinet and art that I have been using for a while.  I love these two togethr.  They make a great entrance statement on this long two story wall.  I also love my dog statue and the leather chair flanking each side.  Creating different kind of vignettes on the chest or adding a throw or pillow to the chair, dresses it up or down.  The painting is more contemporary, so it goes well with the rest of the room.

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Now that I want to create a cozy Cottage Core feel to the room, I thought starting with this wall would be a great place to start.  The first thing was to change the art to something more homespun.  I’ve had this horse painting hanging over my sofa in the family room for a few years.  I adore this painting.  Moving it into this room changes the feel already.  Now things are beginning to feel less Transitional and more Traditional.

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Mixing lots of different elements to create a new vignette was a ton of fun.  I love how this looks warm and inviting.

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Books, statues, candles, and plants, all help create a more stately vignette.  Cottage Core is adding layers.

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Since I am experimenting, I decided to switch out some things and add more layers.

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I switched out the hurricane candle and added three gold candlesticks.  I also added a gold-framed piece of art standing up behind the statue.

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This was fun, so I thought I would change everything.

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I removed everything except the plant and added a fun wood box, a wood letter M, and some wood and marble eggs.

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I had gathered a bunch of things from around the house, so I tried a few different elements again.

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I kept the M but put the hurricane candle back.  I swapped out a rider’s hat for the box and some children’s shoe molds for the eggs.  This emphasizes the horse theme.

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I don’t usually show this side of the room, but this is the rest of the wall.  You can see how this flows into the kitchen family room area.  I love this China Cabinet too.  It fits in with the Traditional or Cottage Core style.  It is one I’ve had since a young married girl.

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It holds my Mother and Mother-in-law’s crystal and silver.  Special treasures gifted to me years ago.  I usually have the swan on top by himself, but I added the basket and fern for a more Cottage feel.

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This has been so much fun, I love switching things around.  Be sure to check back for my 2024 Fall Home Tour beginning September 16.  I have switched a few furniture pieces and changed up all of the accessories to create more of my Cottage Vibe that I love for the moment.


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