Home » Budget Hall Bathroom Makeover Reveal

Budget Hall Bathroom Makeover Reveal


Budget Hall Bathroom Makeover Reveal

This was your typical builder-grade bathroom.  Nothing fancy, just off-the-shelf cabinets and toilet.  No upgrades at all.  Usable, but not very pretty.  We added a few accessories and called it good for a while, but now it is time to upgrade a little.  It’s time for a Budget Hall Bathroom Makeover.  This Budget Hall Bathroom Makeover Reveal came up on Pinterest with tons of questions, so I thought it was time to run it again.

This was your typical builder grade bathroom.  Nothing fancy, just off-the-shelf cabinets and toilet.  No upgrades at all.  Usable, but not very pretty.  We added a few accessories and called it good for a while, but now it is time to upgrade a little.  It’s time for a Budget Hall Bathroom Makeover.

We started by emptying the whole room out before our guys got here.  Boy does this look plain and naked.

Our guys arrived at 7AM and got right to work.  In nothing flat they had the whole room gutted.

Before I could snap any more pictures, they were already dry fitting the vanity and had replaced some of the flooring.  They took some extra pieces that we had and wove them in to create a seamless look.

Then one of the guys was already cutting the hole for the new medicine cabinet

While he was doing that, the other one just about had the new toilet installed.

The new medicine cabinet is much larger, so he had to rework the studs.

Just that fast, the new one was installed.  Nice upgrade on this one.  Next he started to fit the vanity in place.

A little over three hours from start to finish they were done.  Everything was caulked, painted, new baseboards and mirror hung.  Wow, time for me to finish cleaning a little and then add my accessories.   We have the standard bathtub surround that is totally builder basic.  That has to stay for a while, the estimates I’ve received so far to replace with a nice tub and tile surround is waaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyy out of my budget.  We’re looking at $3800 on the cheap side and up to $6000 for anything upgraded.

Previously I had a painting hanging above the toilet, however I decided to add some shelves this time around.  Hubby uses this as his bathroom, so I wanted to give it a little bit of masculine vibe.

I kept the counter really simple.  (The mirror is from Target )

I love to walk through Model Homes and see what is new in the building world and I love to see how they are decorated.  One thing I have noticed is all the upscale homes are adding in really large, nice medicine cabinets.  Not those old small things we use to see.  I ordered one for this bathroom makeover and it is really fabulous.  (Yes we had to take one of the globes off so the door would open all the way.  I have a new single light fixture coming.)

The inside has shelves that can be configured in so many different ways. It also has a mirror on the inside of the door.  Since this is hubby’s bathroom, he loves having all this space.  We found the perfect one at Home Depot.

 I had fun with the shelves – just adding a lot of different accessories and a few of his toiletries.

Since there isn’t a built-in shelf in the tub surround, we added one above the surround to hold shampoo, moisturizer, and body wash.

Sometimes it’s the really inexpensive little details that finish a room off.  I found a cute brushed chrome waste basket and toilet brush at Ross.  Both around $14, so nothing expensive, but just the upgrade this room needed from the plastic waste basket that was here.

All in all I am really pleased with how the bathroom turned out. The entire cost breakdown is at the bottom of the post.

I have to save up a while to replace the tub and surround, so for now this is a really Budget Friendly Makeover.  The new Vanity, toilet and medicine cabinet are fabulous upgrades.

We ordered everything from Home Depot and it was ready to pick up at the store in just a couple of days.

Vanity $299 on sale

Toilet $99

Medicine Cabinet $144.39

Round Mirror  $79.99

Shelves $39.96


Total $662.34

Labor $300.00


Total $966.34



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