11 Magnolia Lane – Guest Post

Fellow bloggers not only become wonderful friends, they are the most helpful people in the whole world.

  Christy from 11 Magnolia Lane is stepping in for me today as I recoup from back surgery.  She is such a special friend and was johnny-on-the-spot to ask “what can I do”.  Well having her share some of her wonderful recipes is a treat for sure, she is a very accomplished cook.

If you haven’t met Christy before – she is 1/2 of the Blog 

11 Magnolia Lane.  She and her best friend Amy were college roommates and are still the best of friends to date.  They both share their homes and projects on the blog. 

Christy – Amy

 Christy is a military wife and has moved so many times her things almost know what box to jump into.  This qualifies her as one of the best decorators I know.  She can put a house together in record time and have it magazine worthy in nothing flat.  You can view her 2018 Summer Home Tour here.

Today Christy is going to share some of her favorite Summer Appetizers.  You know those times when you don’t want to heat up the oven or cook a lot.  These are all I really need for a fabulous summer meal.

Hop on over the 11 Magnolia Lane and learn how she makes all these delicious treats.  Thanks tons Christy for standing in for me today, you are the best.

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