Backyard Pools – Our Small One Is Becoming Famous

Since we live in the desert, a pool is pretty much a must and we have had several in different houses.  Our last home we had a really small one that my children built for us, but it is the one that keeps getting shared in all kinds of magazines.  So far we have made it to 4 magazines and HGTV, so my little pool is becoming pretty famous.

Since you have all seen the new one we built with this house , I thought it would be fun to show you the small one again and how it came to be.  Here is my post right after it was finished- –

I am so ready for the warm weather this summer, yeeeeekkkkkk – I have a small pool to cool off in.  A while back I showed you tons of work going on in the back yard.

We went from this when we first moved into the house – hubby and a small garden area.  Then the tree died and the garden area became a huge mess.

So my children decided it was time to fix up the yard and give me a place to cool off when the temps hit those 110 – 120 days.   Their idea included a small pool, storage area, raised garden beds and a small pond.  All three children chipped in and made it happen. The boys got busy with tons of supplies and grunt labor and my daughter finished the pool off with a salt water filter and umbrella.

 It took a jackhammer to dig some of the holes, but these two were relentless.

Fences went up to hide the potting benches and compost pile –

and the background for the pool started to take shape. –

Plumbing was done for the filter –

and the stock tank was painted with pool paint.

The pump was given a dry run and then painted to match the inside of the pool –

and the waterfall was tested.

The umbrella was set up on a weighted platform and covers the whole area.

  Cool clear filtered water and a fabulous waterfall to listen to.

There’s still work to do and plants to plants, but I am ready for hot weather.

Stop by anytime and we’ll have a glass of tea or wine and cool off in the pool.

It’s been fun to see that several magazines have picked up on the pool – Here is the link to the feature by WOOHome DIY, Home Decor & Interior – They show several other small pools too.


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  1. June 23, 2020 / 2:27 pm

    Marty, your pool is sooo cute and what a great treat from your children!!! Love how the whole area turned out. Just coming over from Katie’s at Let’s Add Sprinkles.

    Enjoy your pool this summer (2020),
    Barb 🙂

  2. February 7, 2021 / 1:43 pm

    Wow! That is a cute pool to sit in on a hot day! I have a 12×20 Pool that I can never seem to get to use since I’m not that great with chemicals. Yours require less space and not a whole lot of chemicals to use on a daily basis. Your children are very handy! Those shower heads/ handles, do you actually use them? Very creative! I enjoy looking at your backyard . This really works for COVID quarantine.

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