Best of 2017

If you have been following me for a while, then you know that almost everything that happened in 2017 was the Best.  This has truly been an amazing and wonderful year.  I am sharing the posts that received the most views as we begin to transform this house into our home.

#1 We Bought A House 

Actually this happened in November, 2016 – but I have to include that milestone since that started everything off for the entire year.  We got the keys to our new home the week before Christmas.

#2. Kitchen Makeover 

Two weeks after moving in, we started a total makeover of the kitchen.  By February 6th we had this beauty.  This is such a major transformation, you need to see where we started.

#3. Master Bedroom Closet

We have “His” and “Hers” closets, so I had fun sprucing mine up a bit.

#4. Master Bathroom Makeover – Free

We had leftover granite and flooring from the kitchen project, so we were able to do the first part of the bathroom remodel for free. New floors, counter, sink and faucet and later we even used the left over marble from the kitchen backsplash to finish this area off.

#5. The Dish Room

 The closet under the stairs was transformed into my “Dish Room”.  All my extra dishes, serving pieces, napkins, candles and even pillow storage too.  This space is a treasure for sure.

#6. 2017 Spring Home Tour

This was the first walk through of the new house with most of the boxes unpacked.

#7.  The Big Dig – The Pool Began

The middle of April the big dig for the pool.  This was my dream coming to reality.

#8. The Pool Is Finished

The first week of June, the pool was finished and this is where I spent the entire summer.

#9. 2017 Summer Home Tour

As time goes on more rooms are switched around and decor is refined.  Still hunting for the right furniture arrangement for each room.

#10.  The Loft

My office is set up in the loft and I officially declare it the “Girl Cave”.

#11. One Year Later – “Let Go and Let God”

This was one of the most viewed posts all year.  I share my heart’s desire to live closer to family and how the Lord answered my prayers.

#12. 2017 Fall Home Tour

Things are starting to come together.  We added some furniture and took some away, added new lighting and refined some spaces.

#13. Family Room Makeover

This room is where we spend most of our time and the one room that is still a big work in progress.  Furniture from the last house doesn’t always translate well into a new house.

#14.  Changes In The Guest Bedroom

Thrifty shopping – a DIY headboard and we finally have a guest bedroom that is done for now.

#15.  2017 Christmas Home Tour

This is the perfect ending to a Wonderful and Blessed Year.  We still have tons to do in our new home, but we are so Thankful for all the Lord has provided.

We are so grateful to all of you as you follow along on this “Stroll Thru Life” with us.  Your comments, encouragement and friendship are such a Blessing.  We give thanks for you every day.

We send our Prayers and Wishes for a Happy, Prosperous and Blessed New Year.

If you like Thrifty & Chic on a Budget, I would love to have you follow me.

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