Christmas With Our Family

Being together at Christmas is what makes it so special.  Here are a few pics of our crazy family and all our fun.

Christmas Eve at my Daughter’s house.  Goofing around before dinner and presents.

The newest grand is always a blessing.  Eating like a big boy.

My daughter loves her crazy hats, time to get everyone dressed up.

Perfect –

Things finally settled down and we had a fabulous dinner and then our gift exchange.  We draw names and then also have a white elephant exchange.  Tons of laughs at all the strange things for the white elephant gifts.

Christmas morning at our house for Santa.  I think Santa spoiled us all.

Tuesday night everyone at our house to see the family that was able to come from Nashville.  Cousins meeting for the first time.  Our smallest grandson meeting the newest grandson.

Present time and lots of funny hats again.

My crazy family and I love them all so much. (Some had already gone home – getting this family to pose for a picture just doesn’t happen.)

I hope your Christmas was as much fun as ours.  I am so Blessed to have such a loving and caring family.

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