Christmas Has Taken Over The Entire House

Thanksgiving is over, so it is time to pull out all the decor and get ready for Christmas.  I have boxes everywhere and the whole house is turned upside down getting ready to put up all the Christmas decor.

I don’t know about you, but getting the tree up is always one of my first projects.  Everything else seems to come together after that.  However, you need to move a lot of furniture around and make a place for the tree.  Since we moved in the week before Christmas last year, we didn’t really have a lot of decorations up, so this year I was super excited to be able to decorate.

 With two story ceilings in the living room, we bought a 9′ tree this year.  I love it, but I need to use the ladder to try and decorate it and we needed a ton more ornaments for it too.  The tree is placed in front of the window and the decorating has begun, but the room is a total mess.  Half the living room furniture is now in the dining area – you can barely walk through the room.

Hubby has been working on the lights for inside and outside, and of course his favorite spot to work is the kitchen counter.   I need to be making cookies this afternoon, so hopefully he will have the lights figured out by then.

I had a wrapping station set up in the landing upstairs, but hubby needed the work table I was using, so all of that has shifted to the loft. My desk and the grands crib along with the paper and ribbon creates quite the mess.

I do have most everything wrapped though.  Just a few more things to buy and I will be done.

The kitchen has been going non-stop too.  Just finished a batch of Chocolate Crackles and already have some Sugar Cookies, Pumpkin Bread and Chocolate Chip Cookies in the freezer.  You can find all of my recipes here.

Ok, now the goal is to get the tree up, all the furniture back in place and put all the presents under the tree and at least vacuum up all the mess I have made.

How about you, are you knee deep in decor too?

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