Happy Thanksgiving – Our Thanksgiving Table

I am so excited to be in our new home this year for all the holidays.  Last year we traveled to family members for most of the family get-togethers since we lived so far away, plus our house was sold and I was deep in packing mode –  but this year I get to host!!!

The day after Christmas all of my family will be here except for two, so I will get to host a Christmas get -together for 18, I am totally over the moon.  This is going to be so much fun, I can hardly wait.

  Since I am hosting Thanksgiving,  I decided to combine my Thanksgiving and Christmas decor together.  As you know I love to shop Goodwill for all kinds of Holiday decor and I usually find the perfect things for my tablescapes.  Some family members will be sharing Thanksgiving with In-laws, so I will have a small gathering of 7.

 I set the table in the Dining Room with a mix of gold and silver.   I love to mix metals, and I love a little sparkle.

This is really just a random mix of things I found at Goodwill several years ago.  This wonderful reindeer is the only thing I bought at Home Goods last year.

The little mirror Christmas tree came from the Dollar Tree a few years back too.

 Isn’t this Angel gorgeous?

These candles are a little over the  top, but I think they are so fun.  I found those at Goodwill too.  The cute silver reindeer I found at the 99c store.  I added the bows to them, they came from the 99c store too.

A simple tablescape in gold and silver that is perfect to go with my staircase garland.

I have been cooking like mad, making all of our family’s favorites.  Our menu will include Turkey, Cornbread Dressing, Gravy, Candied Yams, Green Bean Casserole, Corn, Fruit Salad, Vegetable Salad and Hot Rolls.  There are always Pumpkin, Pecan & Chocolate pies of course, plus an assortment of cookies and Pumpkin Bread too. (I plan on wearing my elastic waist pants.)

I wish you and your family the most Blessed Thanksgiving ever.  I have so much to be thankful for and that includes you and all of my Blogland friends.   You are all in my prayers as we begin this Holiday Season.


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