Do Your Accessories Fit The Scale Of The Room

I am slowly but surely getting the gist of how to deal with a room that has massive volume.   That doesn’t mean the room is really big, but just a lot of volume in the way of ceiling height and tall walls.  I have been putting tons of thought into our living room.  That’s the area that needs to have a few changes so most of my thoughts have been about this room.

 Soaring ceilings and two story walls can be daunting and tend to make everything look smaller than it is.  I am finding that I really need to have my accessories in proportion to the volume of the room.  While browsing through Home Goods the other day – I was actually looking for a really tall lamp – I stumbled upon these two white glass candlesticks.  I loved the size and the pretty white glass.  In the store they didn’t look so big, but when I got them home they floored me at how huge they were.  This shows you how much bigger they are than my normal candlesticks.

 I usually use these pretty clear glass ones on my coffee table, but now I think the new white really big ones are a better size.

These have so much more presence.  They seem to fit the scale of the room so much better.

Here is a picture with the smaller ones that I usually use.  These aren’t bad, but the new white ones just look so much better and seem to fit the space better.

I also noticed that my lamps looked a little short.  It made a huge difference to elevate them on a couple of books too.

Adding the volume and height of the candlesticks made a big difference in the feel of the room.  It’s funny how something so simple can make such a huge difference.

Now I get it.  Am I the only one that didn’t understand how important scale is when there is huge volume in a room before?

Be sure to get all your projects lined up for Inspire Me Tuesday.  Party goes live Monday afternoon at 3 PM CMT.  Can’t wait to see you there.

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