I keep saying I am going to create a plan and put together a nice guest bedroom, but that hasn’t been a top priority. There are so many things that need attention when you move into a new house and since I don’t have a guest coming at this minute to visit, I have been satisfied with a clean room, comfortable bed, great linens and everything else make-shift.
Right now it is the home of Left-Overs and Weird Stuff.
I always try to keep an open mind when I see something as to how I could remake it to give me the upscale look I love. I was wandering through Hotel Liquidators looking for a chest of some kind to makeover that I could use on the patio. I didn’t find anything, but I always have to look around. Headboards are really expensive and that is not top priority at the moment, however when I saw this one, of course I had to have it. Is this UGLY or what? Now I haven’t lost my mind, I think I can make this into a jewel.
This is what made me buy it. Can you believe the price of $29.50? Ok, I can recover the red center and paint the frame and it will look AMAZING. I only have room for a Full Size bed in this small room, but that is doable for a couple for a few nights and is very comfortable for a single person.
Remember my headboard in the Master Bedroom that I also found at Hotel Liquidators? That orange wood was totally ugly.
However, that price was unreal, so I had to have it.
Now this is what it looks like after a little paint. You can see my complete tutorial here.
I think this jewel in the rough is going to look just as amazing. Some new fabric and a little paint on the wood and this will look like a million bucks.
Ok, before I go fabric shopping, I need to come up with a room design plan so I know what direction I am going in. I don’t know if I want to go with a little bit of a sophisticated edge, casual or traditional. Maybe a mix of all of them. We’ll have to see what strikes my fancy. I’m sort of leaning towards something pretty elegant since this is such a small room. This could be just the place to go all out.
Do you have any ideas, I am all ears.
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