I Am Finally Well & The Pool Is A Go

I finally feel like a real human being again.  In January I came down with a cold and it was rough.  Three weeks of sneezing, coughing and trying to breath that was so severe.  Hubby and I both down for the count.  Then the cough lingered for two more weeks.  Then I got the flu.  Cold chills, fever and more trouble breathing with tons of aches and pains.  I was in bed for two straight days without ever getting up to eat anything.  Just so weak and so sick.  Then little by little things started to get a little better.  This stuff is really not for the faint of heart, it is so rough.  Finally 3 months into all of this, I can breath, I don’t cough all that much and I don’t ache all over.   I hope you all missed out on this stuff, it really is tough.  So hopefully that will explain why I havn’t been around to visit like I normally would.  I just haven’t been up to it.  Now I am better and so onward and upward for sure.  Can’t wait to catch up and see what everyone has been up to.  Now up to date on the homefront – – –

All the plans are finally drawn and the pool is going in.  We should be swimming in about 60 to 75 days.  I can hardly wait.

We had a lot of different styles to choose from, but we chose this one.   I love the big Bahama step as you enter.  Perfect for a couple of chairs or for the grands to play in a really shallow area.  We don’t swim laps, but we love to have a good game of ball, so the size and shape of this pool allows for plenty of room for a net and a good game to take place.

I also like how it ties into the patio and we have plenty of room for a table and chairs or a couple of chaise lounges.

It will be so fun to see our yard go from this – – – –

and this – – –

to this – –

I can hardly wait.  The temps have already been in the 90’s so this is going to be such a great place to cool off when the really hot temps get here.

Now I need to go shopping for a swimming suit.  They will start the dig in about 2 weeks and then onward and upward from there.  I can’t wait.

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