Creating An Entrance

Like my last home, this one has no designated entry hall.   You walk right into the living/dining space when you enter the house.  However this one does have a long wall that I can use as a sort of entrance wall.  I am finally at the stage of trying to hang a few pictures and accessorize a few spaces.  With all the remodeling going on, the living/dining room has been the catch all for all kinds of things.  Furniture, appliances, cabinets, moldings, you name it.  It has all been stored in here.

We are finally all cleared out and turned back into a liveable room so I am on a quest to decorate.  I love this console table, it was a gift that is very precious to me and this large painting is one of my favorites also.

Most of the furniture from my old house worked in the new house, however a couple of things didn’t fit so my daughter and I swapped a couple of pieces.  She gave me this fabulous bench, I love it and those turned legs are stunning.  It’s a great piece I can pull up if an extra seat is needed.

If you were standing at my front door, this is what you would see.  Living room on the immediate right, dining area and then the stairs and opening into family/kitchen areas.

I think the console creates a sort of entrance across from the living room space.

I needed a place for the china cabinet, so it sits across from the dining area on this same wall.

From the stairs, this is what you see.

I am slowly finding a spot for everything and having fun hanging pictures and decorating.

Do you have a “sort of” entrance or a “real one”?


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