Every Dressing Area Needs A Mannequin

I have still been cleaning out and purging tons of things.  More trips to Goodwill and a few things to my grand-daughter.  While going through still more “stuff” the other day, I found this little mannequin from ages ago.  Kind of a sad little thing, but I thought a little paint and cleanup could give it some new life.

 This is what it looked like.  Really sad.

 I started to tape the body off and then discovered that the finial slipped off and so did the body.  That saved a ton of time.

 Outside to my favorite tree stump painting spot and a little black paint.  I sprayed it really lightly so some of the stain would still show through.

 Much better don’t you think.

Now to play.  I thought it was fun to dress her up with some pearls and gold chains. 

I think she’s the perfect new accessory for my primping spot.

If you would like to see more of my closet makeover, you can see the reveal here.

How about you, do you have a primping area so you can get ready in a hurry?

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