What Makes A Farmhouse Kitchen

I never think of my style as Farmhouse, however, several people are always commenting on how they like the way I “do” Farmhouse.  The only room in my house that I think could be called Farmhouse is my kitchen.  It really is full of Farmhouse antiques and treasures that I have collected for many years.  I love a Country Farmhouse kitchen, and I guess mine is really just that.

My kitchen is literally in the center of my house.  I love that it is open to the family/breakfast areas.  I can be in here cooking and still be part of all the action.  It is also open to the living/dining areas through the wide doorway you can see on the left.  So actually you can see the kitchen from both areas. (Since it is in the center with no windows and tons of track lights, it is hard to get a decent picture.  This is one that I took a while ago)

This is an older picture also, but nothing has changed except the counter vignettes and this does give you a straight shot into the kitchen from the breakfast area.

Ok, now that you know how the space is arranged, back to what is Farmhouse in my kitchen.  It’s all the antique kitchen tins that I have piled on top of the cabinets.

 This Bread & Cake tin came out of a country eating establishment long before we had refrigerators or cooling systems.  It is pierced on the back side for air circulation.  The door slides around to reveal three shelves that would hold cake or pie.  This kept them fresh and free from flys.  The Ovaltine tin is one of many general store “grocery” tins that I have.

 I love my copper weathervane.  I also have the pole and ceramic lightening rods that go on the roof with it.

This corner shows more “grocery” tins.  Some are fairly common and some are really pretty rare.

 I have two more tins and an Amish carved rooster on this side.

 A Sprague Warner & Co Oolong Teas tin is a real treasure as well as my coffee grinder and the Nabisco Cracker Box on the right.  It holds more “grocery” tins.

 My counter vignettes have a few more country and antique finds.

The Butter slab is a reproduction, but the Malt Mixer is a real antique and works beautifully.  I love to mix in country cutting boards like the pig and the amish heart.

 The knife magnet is my latest purchase while at Ikea last week.  I love it, now I have everything in easy reach.

On the island I have a carved tree slab with an Antique Candy Scale and a fun little french chef.

I also love my “WWII Ammo Basket” that holds more cutting boards and rolling pins.  My carved cow is one my son did for me and a special treasure for sure.

So all in all I think everyone is right.  My kitchen really is “Farmhouse”.

Just as I finished taking pics my Coconut Cream Pie came out of the oven.  Wish you were here, we’d have some coffee and a nice piece of pie.

What style is your kitchen?

Be sure to get all of your projects lined up for Inspire Me Tuesday.  Party goes live Monday afternoon at 3 PM CMT.  Can’t wait to see you there.

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