Easter On The Island

I was busy creating an Easter Tablescape in the breakfast area the other day and since I had a ton of things out, I thought I would create something Easter for the island.

I’ve been in a kind of Country Farmhouse mood lately, so since I already had the candy scale out filled with faux fruit, I thought I would just add to it.

Instead of a tray I used my carved wood slab to create the centerpiece.  These slabs are so fun to work with and mine is huge, so you can really pile a lot of things on it.

Now tell me, does one marble egg qualify as Easter.  I think so, so I am calling this an Easter Egg.

 A fun sassy rooster and some ivy completes a simple little country farmhouse vignette.

Be sure to come back and see the tablescape, It has even more eggs and a bunny too.

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