Easy How-To Clean & Seal Your Granite

Your granite was really expensive, so keeping it in perfect shape is something we are all striving for.  It needs to be cleaned often and then since it is stone, it needs to be sealed occasionally too.   Some of us are in Spring Cleaning Mode and taking care of all those tasks that we only do a few times a year. (You know like washing all the baseboards, windows, wiping down walls, vacuuming drapes, cleaning blinds and sealing counters)

When I cleaned the kitchen the other day, I made sure to clean the island really well with some mild soapy water, then rinse and dry.  Time to seal it again.

 I love the feel of the granit and the shine when it is freshly sealed.  This protects my granite from any bad spills and gives it new life.  Just look at the reflection of the lights. (I love a shiny, sparkly, clean kitchen.)

 I have used this product for years and a little goes a long way.  All you do is spray it on a clean counter, then wipe off and buff to a gorgeous shine.  I bought mine at Bed-Bath & Beyond.

 Of course once everything is all clean I have to play.

Love me some faux’s and this fruit really does look pretty real.

This is called a computing scale.  Is that the first computer – -haha?

 A nice clean kitchen and my granite is sealed for cleaned to perfection.  Gotta’ love that.  I also use pledge on my back formica counters to seal them.  I share that tutorial here.

 Are you in Spring Cleaning Mode too?  What are you best tips for taking care of your counters.

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