Classic Luggage Tan Leather – Family Room Facelift

Classic luggage tan leather is always in vogue whether you use it in a contemporary room or a traditional one.  Regardless of the style it always says chic and elegant to me.  My family room is getting a little refresh, so I went looking for some inspiration pics.

I love this sofa and how the owner mixed in tradition and contemporary. It looks so fresh and on trend.


This room is done with more of a contemporary or mid-century vibe and tons of color.  The leather definitely works in this room too.


This room is more on the traditional side and the tufted leather sofa is stunning.  I think this same sofa could easily work in a contemporary room too.


This shows how any color can go with luggage tan leather.  Definitely a classic.

Duke Manor Farm

Leather is so classic, it looks fabulous no matter where you use it and what style you have.


There is nothing more traditional or “Ralph Lauren” or “Hemmingway”  than paneled walls, leather and plaid.  This looks like Old Hollywood to me. 

source unknown

My daughter is redoing her familyroom, so I am getting this gorgeous sofa, chair & ottoman.

They will be replacing this.  This is pretty, but how can you turn down really beautiful quality leather furniture that will last forever. (This sofa is 30yrs. old and really in need of replacing.)

 When I get the hardwood floors in this room  and a cowhide rug (see last post for 2016 goals and budget) with that leather furniture, oh wow, tell me that won’t be absolutely GORGEOUS.

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