Using Plants Around The House – Realistic Faux’s

I love the look of something green and alive in a room, but I can’t keep a plant alive to save me.  So faux’s to the rescue.  They have some really realistic looking ones now, so there’s no excuse to not have a few plants if you have  a brown thumb too.  I especially love small pots of plants to tuck into little nooks here and there.

I shared this arrangement yesterday that I created for the dining room table.  These little pots of plants pulled all the diverse elements together for a cohesive display.

Small pots of plants are so useful, they can be tucked in around anything and add that finishing touch.  I made a ton of little green plants on this post.  Just find some realistic looking faux and take them apart and create some really fun little plants to use all over the house.

You can see in the pictures below how many different ways you can use these little pots of plants over and over.

 There are some really realistic looking faux ivy plants out there too.

  Michael’s, JoAnn and Hobby Lobby have some great faux’s.  Go make a few faux’s and scatter them all around, it is fun.

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