Re-Doing The China Cabinet

I love having all of my fabulous silver, but I forget to shine it as often as I should and right now it was really looking “BAD”.

I walked past the china cabinet the other day and gasped, man this stuff was almost brown.

But not any more.

 See what a mess, not silver, but brown.  Poor things, they need a little TLC.

          So much better don’t you think?  It’s hard to see with such a reflection. 

 The back of the cabinet is mirrors, so it doubles everything.  In a picture it looks like a huge pile of “stuff” and hard not to get me in the picture too.

                 In real life all the silver and crystal looks really pretty.

                 Ok, now we are all set for entertaining again.

How about you, do you keep your silver in tip top shape?  Now don’t make me the only slacker, ok.

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