DIY Monogrammed Crystal & A Giveaway

When I shared my 2015 Fall Home Tour last week,  one of the comments I most frequently received was about my monogrammed ice bucket on my buffet.

This is such a versatile piece, I have used it for desserts, flowers and now an ice bucket and the monogram totally gives it tons of chic character.  Now it really is nothing more than a glass  bowl that I found at Ross for a few dollars and added this fabulous monogram decal to.

Actually I got three of these monograms in three different sizes early this year and had a ball adding them to various items.  I used the largest one on the bowl – 

then the next size I added to this goodwill glass pitcher.  How elegant does this make that pitcher look – right?

The smallest one I added to the front of my day-planner I bought at Target.  I love how it personalizes a common item.

Now I have a surprise for you guys, 11 Magnolia Lane has offered a set of these three circle monograms to one of my readers.  Super easy entry below on Rafflecopter.  When the winner is chosen  I will give your email address to 11Magnolia Lane and they will be in touch with you so you can choose your style and monogram.  Good luck, I know you will love your monograms as much as I love mine.

Set of 3 Round Vinyl Monograms– 5.5″, 2.75″, and 1.5″

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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