An Orchid Changes Everything

I have been looking for an orchid for a long time, I just couldn’t seem to find one that I really liked and was nice and full, plus it had to look real.   Finally when a friend and I were out for a girls day, I found the perfect one at Home Goods.

A pretty white orchid started a whole chain of events.  I thought the pillows and decor needed to be light and bright too.

 I dug through my stash and found some pumpkin and brown colored pillows that I think look light and bright.

 A few changes to the breakfast table too and I had a whole new room.

  My strutting horse moved from the coffee table to the breakfast table and I filled in the middle with a couple of plants and some wheat.

It’s amazing how one little plant can change everything, but then I always like a new look.  

I think changes are always fun, how about you?

Be sure to come back tomorrow to see my ORC Master Bedroom Closet Makeover Reveal.  I can’t wait to show you how it turned out.

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 Savvy Southern Style , Ivy and Elephants ,

 DIY by Design , We Are That Family ,Style Sisters ,

City Farmhouse ,Beyoned The Picket Fence ,

Home Stories A to Z ,Maison de Pax ,The Blissful Bee ,

Love of Family & Home ,The Dedicated House , Craftberry Bush ,

The Shabby Creek Cottage , Posed Perfection ,

 Katherines Corner , The Vintage Farmhouse  A Delightsome Life , 

Imparting Grace , From My Front Porch To Yours 

No Minimalist Here

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