The Perfect Mother’s Day Gift

I was so thrilled and honored when my friend from Design Chic

 Kristy Woodson Harvey

asked me to reveiw her new book

There are so many talented ladies in blogland and I love seeing them branching out in different directions.  Kristy is not only gorgeous, a fabulous designer, but now an accomplished author.  When she asked me to review an advanced copy of her book, I immediately said yes.  I was so excited to get started reading when this came in the mail.

 The New York Times reveiw on the back of the book says it all.  This is the perfect story of life, love, sacrifice, family and how one child can forever change two women and their families.  Such a loving and beautifully written story.

The release date is set for 5-5-15, perfect for a very special Mother’s Day present.

Every woman and mother will relate to this touching story.

Thanks Kristi for allowing me the honor of reviewing your book.  I loved it and think it is a must read for every woman.  You can pre-order you copy on


  I can’t wait for the next one to come out in 2016.

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