ORC-Master Bedroom Closet Makeover Week 4

This last week went by in a blur.  I had company, a family get-together which is always tons of fun, plus normal every day life, so not a lot was accomplished in the closet. 

If you missed the before’s you can catch up here and here.

Since this is a cosmetic makeover – not a gut job, I am trying to dress up the space with paint, fabric and a couple of makeovers.  Turning a builder basic closet with no built in organizers into an updated chic and functional space is harder than I thought. 

This week I was able to complete a few background things so I could finally start on some fun things.

First – I finished up the painting – dots and dashes – an easy and simple way to add some character to plain walls.

Then some fun could begin – I found this fabulous gold gild vinyl at JoAnn’s, perfect for a little sparkle and glam to the back of this shelf.

 Perfect backdrop for my bags and boxes.  This is my focal point and glamour shelf.  Every closet needs a little luxury, so this is mine.

All of my storage bins and boxes that I ordered arrived.  It was wonderful to get the rest of our things organized.  I used 4 of the boxes for my shelf and 1 bin.  Perfect to hold seasonal things.

 I love a little pretty too, so I found a place for my mink teddy and a really cute decorative box that I had.

 Two bins and two boxes for hubby’s shelf and his seasonal things and golf hat collection are tucked away nice and neat.

I found a great full length mirror at Ross for $19.99.  It fits perfect on the wall space behind the door.  The over the door shoe caddy is working out super too for all my sandals and every day flats and loafers.  There’s even a space for my clothes brush.  (When I purged, I was ruthless, I only kept what I actually wear most every day, everything else went to goodwill.)  I have a shoe cabinet to hold my nicer shoes and heels.

(Here’s a little tease – I’m trying to work in a primping spot.  We’ll see how it comes together.)

My shoe cabinets just got here and they are just the right size. This place is going to shape up soon.

Be sure to check in with Linda @ Calling It Home to see the links for all the other participants.  There are 150+ links, so tons of fabulous inspiration.

Things left to do:

Purge clothes

Add extra shelves

Finish painting

Change out hangers

Re-organize hanging areas

Makeover Wire BasketsMake Fabric ShadeRevamp bookcases into Shoe CabinetsAdd Storage Boxes

Find more wood hangers for slacksFind Mirror, Knobs and Hooks


I am joining the following parties:

Calling It HomeCraftberry Bush , Posed Perfection ,

 Katherines Corner , The Vintage Farmhouse , A Delightsome Life ,

Love of Family & Home ,  Between Naps On The Porch ,

 From My Front Porch To Yours , The 36th Avenue , Imparting Grace ,

 My Romantic Home ,   French Country Cottage ,The Thrifty Groove , 

The Charm Of Home , Chic A Shoestring Decorating,

 FindingFabulous ,  Rooted In Thyme , Jennifer Rizzo ,

 Redoux Interiors

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