Closet Makeover -Can You Say Glamour?

You are going to love this post today.  I have the fabulous Meredith from
The Laundry Can Wait
as my guest.  She is such a gorgeous and fun person, and you aren’t going to believe all the glam and creative detail she has put into her closet.  I want a closet like this and I think you will too.

What’s the number one rule in decorating, in fashion and in playing up your looks?

Work with what you have.

{Or at least that’s what I say.}

After all, we all have something to work with. 

And my closet makeover was no different. Shall we look inside?


Sequin-adorned stilettos serve as a provocative focal point, as well as a slight juxtaposition to Emily Post’s Etiquette guide.

The book about Audrey Hepburn – the ever-so-poised fashion icon – blends it all together.

This is before we got started.  

And, like the closet itself, our budget was small.

We only purchased a shelving unit from Home Depot, as well as paint and hooks.

My goal was to create a seamless transition from the rest of our room, but with a playful touch. 

{There are no windows on the headboard wall.} πŸ˜‰

A golden backdrop was my choice of color yet again.

What can I say? #teamgold

The ornate urn was originally for decoration…

…until I discovered it was a great place for storing frilly boot socks and lacy cuffs.

My rule?

Don’t buy what’s popular. 

Buy what you love, and it will be timeless. πŸ™‚ 

{And I love tunics, bold prints and fun sleeves.}

Above, a soft, vintage cape awaits me. 

I found this at the Goodwill about two years ago and fell MADLY in love with it’s understated elegance. 

 What a thrill to bring life back to a tossed-aside beauty such as this.

I moved my statement necklaces from my bathroom to the closet. 

Organizing jewelry on the door serves three purposes: 

1. It’s functional.

2. It lends beauty to the lackluster doors.

3. It adds efficiency to accessorizing my outfits. It’s all right there. 

Hooks along the bottom shelf firmly hold my handbags – a feature I especially like. 

My little closet is just that – little. But she’s all mine. 

And that’s enough for this mama, whose life is full of messy moments in every room…but here. 

Thank you, Marty, for allowing me to be a guest today!
It’s truly an honor!


Meredith Garrett from The Laundry Can Wait 

Thanks so much Meredith, your closet is definitely one glamours space and I love how you did it on a tiny budget too.  Now if you would just come and redo mine!!!!
If you don’t know and follow her already, make sure to run over to her blog and click that follow button.

The Laundry Can Wait.

I am joining the following parties:

 Craftberry Bush , Posed Perfection ,

 Katherines Corner , The Vintage Farmhouse , A Delightsome Life ,

Love of Family & Home ,  Between Naps On The Porch ,

 From My Front Porch To Yours , The 36th Avenue , Imparting Grace ,

 My Romantic Home ,   French Country Cottage ,The Thrifty Groove , 

The Charm Of Home , Chic A Shoestring Decorating,

 FindingFabulous ,  Rooted In Thyme , Jennifer Rizzo ,

 Redoux Interiors

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