One Of My Most Pinned DIY Projects

It’s always fun to see what projects catch the eye of others.  My DIY bathroom tank tray is one of my most pinned diy projects ever.  I thought I would re-post the “how to” in case you missed it.  You can also see the whole makeover here.

My hall bathroom makeover is almost done, but I really wanted something to go on the top of the toilet tank.   You know, something that was flat and you could sit things on.  This is a small bathroom and the vanity isn’t really very big, so there isn’t a ton of room for accessories.

 I need all the space in here that I can find, so the top of the tank is space I need to use, but see all those curves, it’s hard to sit something on the tank and not have it slide around.  A shelf is what I needed.

I found this piece of wood at Michaels that is just the right size, so I am going to embellish it a bit.
First a coat of white spray paint.  (Yes, my lawn is looking really bad with all this hot weather.)  Here’s a tutorial of how I did mine.

When your piece is thoroughly dry,you need to sand it down lightly and then steel wool it for a really smooth finish.

 Next up is my trusty stain and rub’n buff.  You have to work really fast with this, the stain will be way too dark if you leave it on very long.  Of course you can always sand it if it is too dark, or even repaint it and start over.

 I just wanted a light antiquing effect.  So I applied a really light coat, wiped it off really fast and then used some steel wool to sand part of it off in spots.

 Next, I applied some rub’n buff around the edges.  I did a really sloppy job so it would look like most of it had worn off with age.

 I added a couple of knobs I found at Hobby Lobby.  They are always on sale 1/2 price, so only $6.48 for both.

Be sure to countersink your knobs.  You want the back to be totally flat.

 To help hold the shelf in place I used some of the rubber bumpers.  These things don’t let anything slide around.

 Fits perfectly and it is stable.

 Looks good and a fun accessory.

So what do you think.   It’s a little bit of fun and glam all rolled into one.

I think it looks great and definitely creates another place to display things, and keeps the vanity clutter free.

If you’ve missed it you can see the entire bathroom makeover here.


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