252nd Inspire Me Tuesday

Welcome to the 252nd Inspire Me Tuesday.  Wow, there were over 350 links last week.  You guys are so busy doing projects, creating healthy meals, exercising, purging and cleaning – – amazing.  I am totallly impressed.  Here is just a tiny sample of some of the projects.

Home Remedies shares several different options for decorating a small space on a budget.  Love her entry.

Finding the right rug can be a really daunting task.  Beaux R’eves found the perfect one to add character and interest to her space.

Need some ideas for how to make your bath a more relaxing place.  Designthusiasm shows us all the fabulous details she’s added to hers.  I could really relax in this bathroom for sure.  

We all know how popular old doors are – well Little Brags put together a  collection of 50 ways to use them in your decor.  A must read if you like doors.

Just Misty is renting so changing her counters was out of the question.  That didn’t really stop her.  Look at her fabulous tutorial for using contact paper.  Amazing.

Ok, let’s see what you have for this week.

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