Happy 40th Anniversary

Happy Anniversary.  I love you with all my heart.


Four years ago in August you went home to be with the Lord.  Seems like an eternity to me.  I visit your grave often and always make sure you have beautiful flowers.  I talk to you often and know you’d be excited that we have two new Grandchildren due soon.  A little boy and a little girl.  You would be the first to want to hold them and rock them.  I am doing good and enjoy all our family.  They all love and miss you too.

Happy Anniversary – I love you with all my heart.



  1. Karen L.
    June 8, 2024 / 9:29 am

    Marty, God Bless you..I’m so glad it’s ok to recognize our husbands and our anniversary dates. My husband Tom “went sailing “ his favorite thing to do. He died 2 years ago…a week after our 50th anniversary. This year was our 52…I haven’t quite known how to post our anniversary…yesterday was the day he died a very tough day…he was and still is my best friend and lover forever! I wish you love and peace as you celebrate your beautiful husband and special day! 🫶

    • Cindy P
      June 8, 2024 / 7:05 pm

      Beautifully said! We do love and cherish our husbands even after they left this world. Bless you, and all the widows who are missing the loves of our lives!

  2. Karen L.
    June 8, 2024 / 9:32 am

    Marty, God Bless you..I’m so glad it’s ok to recognize our husbands and our anniversary dates. My husband Tom “went sailing “ his favorite thing to do. He died 2 years ago…a week after our 50th anniversary. This year was our 52…I haven’t quite known how to post our anniversary…yesterday was the day he died a very tough day…he was and still is my best friend and lover forever! I wish you love and peace as you celebrate your beautiful husband and special day! 🫶

  3. June 8, 2024 / 10:59 am

    Marty, happy anniversary. Love, hugs and peace to you as you celebrate a milestone without your beloved husband. I know that he is smiling down upon you and your family and celebrating along with you.
    Take care

  4. Tracey A
    June 8, 2024 / 2:38 pm

    Sending you hugs and prayers for God’s comfort and love. He will be with you forever.

  5. Michele M./ Finch Rest
    June 8, 2024 / 3:42 pm

    Saying some prayers for you both today. Marty, you didn’t age one bit in those 40 years.

    Take care, friend. God bless. Hugs.

  6. Patty
    June 10, 2024 / 2:15 pm


  7. Myrna
    June 11, 2024 / 12:40 am

    Happy anniversary Marty. Everyone should be so lucky to have a love like that. I loved the story you told us previously about how Jim helped you make your wedding dress.

  8. Dianna White
    June 14, 2024 / 3:01 pm

    The 26th of this month would have been our 70th anniversary, but Reuel had something else he had to do. He died Sept. 25, 2023 of Lewy Body Dementia at the age of 91. I’m thankful I had him for 69 years.
    Life is very different now.
    Keep all your wonderful memories close.
    Miss ya,

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