Pulling It All Together – Design Post Interiors

I am so thrilled to have Beth from Design Post Interiors.  She has such great color and design sense and I am always inspired by her decor and projects.  I think you are going to be as impressed as I am with her style.  Grab something cool to drink and enjoy.  Beth is sharing a very special room that is loaded with her fabulous diy projects.

I was so excited when Marty reached out to me because her blog was new to me and I loved the idea of this series.  I am always happy to find new blogs to read and I always enjoy sharing a little tip or two.  Today I am sharing one of the rooms in my house and how I pulled it all together.  This room is one of my favorites in our house because it is light and bright and houses two of my favorite little people!

the boys’ room

When I went about turning our playroom into a dual bedroom for my two sons, my top priority was leaving them enough room to play.  Since we would be eliminating their playspace, I knew we would need to let them have the floor space to play, wrestle, and generally destroy things!  I also needed a lot of storage for all of the toys that would still remain in this room.  I want my kids to have fun but I don’t want to look at all of their junk all of the time!

I also knew that I didn’t want to go with any kind of theme.  Instead I chose to pull this room together by using bright colors and layers of coordinating patterns.  Like most rooms I decorate, I don’t usually know all of the pieces I will be using ahead of time.  It usually starts with one inspiration pattern and I  just add things from there.  I love decorating my own home because I don’t have to have a complete plan up front as I would with a client.  I can just find pieces I like along the way.

The basket pendant was one of the first inspiration pieces I bought for this room.  I love it’s oversized shape and texture.  It added the nautical touch I love!

I also knew that I would be begging my husband to put in some serious manpower by adding planking to the walls.  Him, his brothers, and his dad knocked it out of the park.  I decided to mimic the planking by adding stripes to the hallway right outside the door.

They’re mimicked again on the striped bedding.

As I mentioned, storage was a main focus in this room so I decided to go with inexpensive IKEA shelves and drawers.  I like the mix of this new more modern piece with the refurbished antique dresser and mid-century modern nightstand.

And the main thing that ties this room together is all of the happy colors!

I added bright accents through these framed greeting cards as well as a thrifted chair that I reupholstered with a blue zebra fabric.

So to pull this room together I chose patterns that would be repeated throughout the room (and hallway), bright colors to make the space feel happy, and a mix of old and new pieces.

I love the outcome and my boys have a great time playing in here.  I hope they have lots of fond memories from it when they get older!

For more information on this room check out these posts:

Hanging Stuff in the Boys’ Room

Sources for the Boys’ Room

A Thrifted Chair for the Boys’ Room

Another Striped Wall

Didn’t I tell you this was a special room. I just adore this space and can’t imagine anyone not being happy here.  Her boys’ room is filled with tons of inspiration and I love her style and creativity.  Now if you don’t know her, be sure to go over and click that follow button, you don’t want to miss a thing.

  Be sure to read her post today about her design business.  This is one super talente lady.

Design Post Interiors

 I am joining the following parties:

 Craftberry Bush ,  No Minimalist Here , Posed Perfection ,

 Katherines Corner , The Vintage Farmhouse , A Delightsome Life ,

Love of Family & Home ,Between Naps On The Porch ,

 From My Front Porch To Yours , The 36th Avenue , Imparting Grace ,

 My Romantic Home ,   French Country Cottage ,The Thrifty Groove ,

                  The Charm of Home , Chic On A Shoestring Decorating , Finding Fabulous ,
                                        Rooted In Thyme , Jennifer Rizzo , Redoux Interiors

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