When To Be Trendy-When To Pass

Now I am sure you have all seen in every magazine and on some decor blogs that antlers and gazelle statues are all the rage.  

  They definitely fit into what I would call the trendy category.  I’ve seen them anywhere from $19.99 to $159.00. Now I am intrigued by the gazell statues, and thought I might want to join the “club”.   If it’s trendy and I’m not too sure if it is “me” or not, then I need to stay around the $19.99 budget.  Nothing to my liking  until the other day on the clearance aisle at Ross.  I think this will work.  There are a few chips on the bottom that I can fix and I can change the color too.  Super bargain for $5.00.

 The majority of the ones I have seen in magazines and on fellow bloggers are all gold, and as you know, I am on a gold kick.    So I got out my trusty 24K gold spray paint.  I taped a plastic bag around the bottom and sealed the edges good with frog tape.

 Not bad, I think it looks 100% better.

 Just the perfect size for this little chest and creates a fun vignette.

  I found this fabulous ceramic tray on sale at Target for $7.58 on their clearance aisle too.  I love the size.

I like it, I think it is a fun addition to the room.  It’s always fun to experiment with a few new ideas don’t you think?

The architecture of my house is very simple with no moldings, curves or any distinguishing features.  My furnishings are very traditional.  Now the two work together since my background is straight forward and simple.  I love traditional, but it can begin to look a little dated and stuffy, so I have been adding a few contemporary elements lately by way of a few accessories, but mostly updated fabrics and colors. I just want to give my home a fresh look.   However, I don’t want to totally abandon my roots, so I am moving cautiously.

If you are going to test out a trend, be sure to do it with things that don’t bust the budget.  All the new contemporary pillows are from Hobby Lobby for around $5 each at 1/2 price and now the gazelle for $5.  If I decide this isn’t a look I want to keep, I didn’t break the bank.  

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