Venturing Out and Enjoying The World

When we first retired, it seemed like we both still had so many irons in the fire so there was little time for play.  Between getting a new house, working in the yard, and diving into volunteering full steam ahead, things took a lot of our energy. 

Now later in retirement, we are ready to open new doors. Doors to lean back and just play a little, travel, get in shape, and eat right. 

For starters, why not take advantage of local activities going on right here in town?!?!?

We hadn’t been to the Symphony in ages, so taking in the Christmas program was a great way to start the season.

It is wonderful to visit parts of the country we haven’t been to for a while, so we recently took a trip to the Northwest. There was such gorgeous scenery and so many beautiful lakes.

Now we’re planning another trip to Hawaii.  We enjoyed our last trip and have decided it is time to go again, maybe to another island this time.  Last time we were in Maui and we explored every nook and cranny of the entire island and enjoyed visiting all the points of interest.

I’ve been trying to get us both back into an exercise program and so far so good. We’ve each lost a few pounds and have a ton more energy.  

Eating from our garden has been a real motivator to eat right.  All those fresh veggies are so good and homegrown always tastes the best. Our zucchini has been wonderful and finding low-cal recipes to make has really helped us lose weight.  

This hamburger/cheese/Italian stuffing mix tastes sooooooo good.  This will definitely be on our list to have again.

So tell me, how are you spending your retirement years? What doors are you opening to spread your wings and explore life?   It is time to indulge a little, cause we, we’re having a ball.

Merck Consumer Care, the makers of OXYTROL FOR WOMEN – the first and only over-the-counter treatment for overactive bladder – and MORE magazine are launching the “Open A New Door” program to help women 50 and over overcome barriers when pursing their passions.1,857 women 50 and over on MORE’s reader panel were surveyed to reveal what dreams they want to pursue in their second stage of life and what barriers they would face trying to reinvent themselves. In a perfect world, 97% of the women surveyed would choose a variety of ways to reinvent themselves in the near future. However, nearly 9 out of 10 (89%) of these women admit they would face obstacles in their quest for reinvention.

One woman who enters the “Open a New Door” contest will be awarded $10,000 to help her realize her reinvention goals in the areas of professional development, volunteerism or travel, in addition to a personal coaching session with Pamela Mitchell, founder and CEO of The Reinvention Institute. Women 50 and over can visit to enter. NO PURCHASE NECESSARY TO ENTER OR WIN IN THE OPEN A NEW DOOR CONTEST. A PURCHASE WILL NOT INCREASE THE CHANCE OF WINNING. Starts 8:00:00 am ET on 5/20/14, ends 11:59:59 pm ET on 6/30/14 (“Promotion Period”). Open to women who are legal residents of 50 United States and District of Columbia and 50+ years. Void where prohibited. Subject to the Official Rules, inclusive of the entry judging criteria, available by visiting during the Promotion Period or by sending a self-addressed stamped envelope for receipt by 8/4/14 to: Open A New Door Contest RULES, P.O. Box 13106, Bridgeport, CT, 06673-3106. Sponsor:  MSD Consumer Care, Inc.

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