216th Inspire Me Tuesday

Welcome to the 216th Inspire Me Tuesday.  First I want to thank all of you that left the most loving and heartfelt comments about the segment that 3TV did about my Grandson and His Beautiful Bride-

A Mother’s Miracle.  

I truly am Blessed to have them as part of my family and so Blessed to have my new Great-Grandson Bronx.

Thanks also to everyone that entered my French Cow Grain Sack Giveaway- The Winner Is –

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Congrats!!!! I sent you an email, so please send me your addess and I will get the Grain Sack mailed asap.

We had so many fabulous links last week, I had a blast looking at all of them.  If you missed any, you really need to go check them all out.

Fiona and Twig always has so much to share, love her style.  Be sure to see some of the pics from her latest feature in Flea Market Decor Magazine and says congrats.  Great feature.

Gorgeous bookcase and decor as part of her house tour from Chatfield Court.  You will love it all, such a pretty home.

Great post by Simply Vintageous.  She’s still in the middle of a remodel, but thankfully has this fabulous new kitchen to look at.

Love this DIY subway art from Southern State of Mind.

 Small little tweaks makes all the difference completed this fabulous powder room makeover for a mere $100.  Stunning.

Hello Little Home shared this fabulous picnic.  Love the quilt and the food looks totally awesome.

I am totally drooling over this Chocoflan Bundt Cake.  Be sure to check it out at Sweet Sensations. This recipe sounds delicious.

Ok, let’s see what you have for this week.

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