Chicken Pasta Salad

This is a favorite weekend meal at our house.  Perfect for lunch or a light dinner and soooooooo good.

This is the kind of salad where you clean out the fridge and add anything you have leftover.

1 can Chicken Breast meat

1 box Bow Tie pasta

chopped tomato

chopped lettuce

chopped onions


Cook the pasta and drain well.  Put in the fridge to cool, then add the chicken and chopped onions and tomatoes.  Take 1/2 cup ranch dressing and dilute with milk to a really thin consistency.  Pour over salad and mix well.

This is where you clean out the fridge.  I had some leftover sliced olives, green onions, hard boiled eggs and bacon so I added them to the salad.  The salad is served on a bed of chopped lettuce and drizzled  with more dressing. 

So easy and such a light and filling meal sure to please anyone.

Be sure to sign up below for my French Cow Grain Sack Giveaway.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

I am joining the following parties:

Rattlebridge Farm , Pieced Pastimes , Funky Junk Interiors ,It’s Overflowing 

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