213th Inspire Me Tuesday

I am thrilled you are here for the 213th Inspire Me party.  Can you believe that April is just about over.  Spring seems to have all of you into high gear creating and redoing all kinds of projects, and I love seeing them all.  Here are a few from last week. 

Bohemian Junction shared a bedroom redo.  You really have to go see it all.  I love, love, love her style and DIY projects she incorporated.  Such a fun and creative room.

I love a home tour and this one by The Happy House is full of inspiration all decked out with Spring color.

If you don’t have room for a real Mud Room, do what That Mommy Blog did.  She created this fabulous area in a “pass thru” space.  Love those baskets for shoes, gloves and etc.

Don’t you love this clever idea of arranging your vignette in a suitcase.  How fun!!  Dining Delight has some really pretty Easter decor, so make sure to see it all.

Check out how The Painted Hive transformed this simple file cabinet.  Unbelievable makeover.

If you need a secretary, why not do what Gates of Crystal did, add a bookcase to a drop front desk.  You really need to go see how she put it all together.  Love this idea.

Living With Thanksgiving set up the most beautiful tea in her garden.  Wouldn’t you just love to be there, such gorgeous flowers and her tea set is stunning.

Wouldn’t the children go wild over these fabulous “sheep” cupcakes.  Go see how Simple Life Mom put them together.  Cute, cute. cute.

Ok, let’s see what you have for this week.

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