Living Room Drapes

Wow, I have climbed up and down a ladder and changed out drapes so many times, my legs feel like I went to the gem and worked out on the stair/climber.  I thought redoing the living room was going to be an easy and fun job, but this has been a real trial and error and not fun at all.  After the white drape episode, I bought cream colored panels, tan panels and beige panels.  I took them all back.  I did learn a lot about what I do and don’t like and it was interesting to hear all of you guys comments.  It doesn’t look anything like my idea board.  The hardwood floors are on hold for a while so for now I guess this is just a small refresher.

Let’s start at the beginning shall we – –

These are the brown drapes that I’ve had since we moved in 8 yrs. ago.  So time to refresh things a bit and I really want something lighter and brighter.

Then I bought the white drapes from Ikea.  Not sure about these at all.  

 So, I tried some different pillows and accessories.  Still not what I think the room needs.  I like and want a light look, just not this, so back they went.

After that I tried a whole series of cream, tan, beige and even a pattern.  I took them all back.  Everything just didn’t make the cut.

Then I tried one of the drapes from the family/breakfast area, they are an exact match for the beige wall color.  Kind of a really light camel and cream tiny stripe with a darker plaid header.  I like it.  Lighter, but not so stark.  These are the ones I made for the family room about 6 years go, but they still look new.

The color is perfect with the room color and the detail is elegant enough for the space.

 I think these also have enough body and weight to them.

 I love the slubbed testure of the silk plaid topper and the soft sheen of the strip is a pretty combination.

I like these.  They are formal enough for the room and yet light and bright.  You all suggested that I put the skirted table back in front of the window, so I did with a cream tablecloth and a topper that is made from the same drapery fabric.  Since I had these in the family room, I already know that I can use a gazillion colors of accessories with them and still change up this room on a whim.

Here you can see the skirted table, I used a two toned cream skirt with a topper made from the drapery fabric.  This shows the color and the tiny stripe perfectly of the drape. 

 The dining area looks much lighter and brighter too. (This is a small house, so the living and dining are all one room)

 I still love my brown drapes,

 but this is a fun change for something a little brighter and more airy looking.

Since I borrowed these from the familyroom, I did find something I am going to love in there, so I will show you that as soon as I get it all put together.

 I am joining the following parties:

 Savvy Southern Style for WOW , Green Willow Pond for What We Accomplished Ivy and Elephants for What’s It Wednesday, DIY by Design for Fall Into Fall We Are That Family for Works For Me Wed.,Style Sisters for Centerpiece Wed. 

City Farmhouse for Inspiration Exchange Wed.

 Craftberry Bush for Inspiration Gallery Thursday  The Shabby Creek Cottage for Transformation Thursday

 No Minimalist Here for Open House Party, Posed Perfection for All Things Thursday Hop

 Katherines Corner for Favorite Things, The Vintage Farmhouse for Creative Things 

 A Delightsome Life for Home and Garden, Imparting Grace for Grace at Home Between Naps On The Porch for Tablescape Thursday From My Front Porch To Yours for Treasure Hunt Thursday The 36th Avenue for 36th Avenue Party

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