200th Inspire Me Tuesday

Wow, we are at our 200th Inspire Me Tuesday.  You guys have amazed me with all of your fabulous links and I can’t thank you enough.  I look forward to these parties so much, so THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart and keep linking up, you make my day and always, always inspire me.

Here are just a few of the things you shared last week – – –

Copper-n-Things has been working like mad in her kitchen exposing the brick and I love, love, love the results.  I think it looks amazing.  I love the brick, the copper pots, her cutting boards, I just love it all, plus wait until you see how she has used copper above her ovens.

I have a thing for chairs, so when I saw this one I totally fell in love.  Look at this fabulous wing chair with the ladder back exposed that Beaux R’eves found.  Now you really need to see her post on how she is going to tie this into her breakfastroom.

I absolutely think this winter wonderland vignette that Priscillas created is fabulous, and you really need to go see her Snowman tree too. Gorgeous.

Don’t you love the bright pretty colors of the painting and the blown glass bowl.  Patty at 

Home and Lifestyle Design shares a great tutorial on how to pull a vibrant vignette together.

Now you really need to go see how Abby’s Way cleaned up and totally organized this room into a fabulous craft, office and sewing room.  Wait until you see her shelving too.

Love this pretty living room at Dream and Differ.  Her fireplace is stunning dressed up with all of it’s greenery and burlap garland.  

If you like bright and cheery, then you are totally going to LOVE this kitchen shared by 

Beyond The Screen Door.  One picture doesn’t do it justice, you need to see it all.

Ok, let’s see what you have for this week.

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