194th Inspire Me Tuesday

Welcome to the 194th Inspire Me Tuesday.  Wow, I can’t tell you how impressed I was with all the entries last week.  Everyone’s Christmas decor is so beautiful.  Here is just a little sample.

Fun to Funky has done such a beautiful job of decorating her new home.  Don’t you just love this dresser.  She shares her first Home Tour and everything is so beautiful, plus she’s a newbie blogger, so go by and giver her some love. 

Common Ground decorated with plaid in every room of her house.  You have to go see the tour, is is totally amazing.  You will drool over every picture and room.

A Vintage Green has the greatest gift for accessorizing with her vintage finds.   Would you think to take an old funnel and use it to display your pearls, and did you know that cheese graters could look so elegant.

You definitley have to go see the tour from Home Is Where The Boat Is.  Everything she does is stunning, wait until you see her potting shed and her tablescape, but this just really grabbed me.

On Crooked Creektt created such a beautiful and elegant display on her hutch.  I love this fabulous ornament tree and wait until you see how she displays your silver tea service.  Gorgeous.

Copper-n-Things is a girl after my own heart, I love how simply elegant her vignette is. I love this room with all the wood wainscoting.  Aren’t those skates to die for, wait until you see them up close.

Creating A Life shared her mantel.  Isn’t it fabulous.  I love the use of the pinecones instead of candles.

Designs by Pinky has the most fabulous collection of Santa’s I’ve ever seen and she displays them all so beautifully.  This one has the most life like face I have ever seen – amazing.  Be sure to visit and see them all.

There is so much to see at The Uptown Acorn tour, but this picture of their home at night just caught me breathless.  So pretty, be sure to go see every room.

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Ok, let’s see what you have for this week.

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