My Thanksgiving Table

I love to host Thanksgiving, it is always so fun to set the table and I love the smells that fill the house with all the good things cooking in the kitchen.

I didn’t do a lot to the centerpiece I already had on the dining table, I just added a couple of things and did a little tweaking.  It’s a mixture of rustic and elegant.

There will be 10 of us.  I will serve buffet style,  plates will be on the buffet counter.  Water will go in the silver goblets and wine in the crystal glasses. (yes, I am still polishing the silverware. lol)

I had a small group for lunch, so I set this table in the breakfast area earlier this week.  I loved making the centerpiece a little french country scene.

 Baking will begin today – – – –

Thanksgiving Menu


Cornbread Stuffing

Giblet Gravy

Mashed Potatoes

Pineapple Sweet Potatoes

Green Bean Casserole

Fruit Salad

Tossed Salad


Pumpkin Pie

Chocolate Pie

Pecan Pie

Pumpkin Bread

Sugar Cookies

Chocolate Crackles

   I am joining the following parties:

 Craftberry Bush for Inspiration Gallery Thursday  The Shabby Creek Cottage for Transformation Thursday

 No Minimalist Here for Open House Party, Posed Perfection for All Things Thursday Hop

 Katherines Corner for Favorite Things, The Vintage Farmhouse for Creative Things 

 A Delightsome Life for Home and Garden, Imparting Grace for Grace at Home Between Naps On The Porch for Tablescape Thursday From My Front Porch To Yours for Treasure Hunt Thursday The 36th Avenue for 36th Avenue Party

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