Show Off & Inspire – Thrifty Decor Chic

Well, I can’t even begin to tell you how excited I am to be able to Show Off & Brag about Sarah @Thrifty Decor Chick.  She is one of the most gracious ladies in all of blogland.  When I was a newbie blogger she was so kind to answer questions for me and to really be a support and a friend.  Such a talent and such a beautiful person inside and out all rolled into one.  That gorgeous smile is just as genuine as she is.

Hello all! My name is Sarah I’m so honored to be here at A Stroll Thru Life! I have been a fan of Marty’s for some time now and was thrilled when she asked me to join in on her Show Off and Inspire series.
I have been blogging at Thrifty Decor Chick for five and a half years now and I love finding thrifty ways to transform our home. I’m also an avid DIYer and enjoy working with tools and challenging myself.

One of my recent DIY projects was giving our powder room a redo top to bottom:

I planked the walls, installed the new sink and repainted the room to give it a fresh update. It’s one of my favorite rooms in our house now! Too bad it’s one of the smallest. 😉

I’m working on our master bedroom right now, and I recently made a tufted headboard for our king-sized bed for less than $100: Making a headboard is one of the easiest DIY projects! I’ve made them numerous times for our home and for friends and they are a great alternative to a more expensive store bought versions.

I love trying to make spaces in our home work better for us. Our family room used to drive me a little crazy with it’s layout, but over they years I’ve figured out what works best for us:
It involved covering up a funky corner fireplace that drove me crazy. 😉

One of my favorite DIY projects ever is the large bookcase my Dad and I built together:

Yet again, I’m trying to make better use of the space in our home so I’m slowly transforming our rarely-used dining room into a library. We LOVE the change so far!

Thanks for letting me share just a bit of our home with you today! And thank you so much for having me Marty, you are the best!!

  Thanks so much Sarah for sharing some of your beautiful DIY projects with us and letting me Show You Off and Brag a little about you. Isn’t her home and her style beautiful.  You really need to visit her and see all of her before and after photos.  They are amazing and she always gives a step by step tutorial on all of her projects.  There is so much more to see, so if you don’t follow her already, be sure to go over to Thrifty Decor Chic and click that follow button.  You don’t want to miss a single post.

I am linking to the following parties:

 Imparting Grace for Grace at Home, My Romantic Home for Show and Tell Fri

                                        French Country Cottage for Feathered Nest Friday

 The Thrifty Groove for Thrifty Things Fri, Common Ground for Be Inspired Fri

The Charm of Home for Home Sweet Home ,

 Chic On A Shoestring Decorating for Flaunt It Fri

 Finding Fabulous for Frugalicious Fri ,Rooted In Thyme Simple & Sweet Fri.

 Jennifer Rizzo for Fabulously Creative Linky Party

 Redoux Interiors Friday Party, A Stylish Interior for Stylish Friday Finds

Classy Clutter for Spotlight Saturday, Pieced Pastimes for Saturday Sparks Linky

It’s Overflowing for Overflowing with Creativity Sat., Funky Junk Interiors for Party Junk

Be Different Act Normal for Show & Tell Sat.

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