171st. Inspire Me Tuesday

Wow up to 171 already.  Time just flys by and you guys never run out of creative ideas and always show tons of inspiration.  Can’t wait to see what you have today.

I think we are all wanting some fabulous outdoor living space.  Wait until you see Stephanie Lynn‘s deck.  Gorgeous.

Creative Passage redid her bench and gives us a super tutorial.  Don’t you love the color.

Since peaches are so fresh and wonderful, this is the time to enjoy them.  Look at this fabulous pie that Hyacinths for the Soul made.  Aren’t you just drooling?

Far From Rubies always amazes me with her talent and creativity.  Look how she gave a modern bathroom a vintage look with just paint and a few family accessories.  (Great tutorial also on painting cabinets.)

Creative Home Expressions is the master with her ability to refinish a piece and to do all kinds of transfers.  Doesn’t this look like it is a hundred years old.  Go see her tutorial.

The Shabby Cottage Home redid this fabulous little chest.  I love it and the numbers are perfect.  Wait until you see what it looked like before she started.

The Shady Porch shared a one dish Meat & Potato casserole.  Looks yummy and so perfect and easy for hot summer days.  This would please the guys and stick to their ribs.  (I would love this too)

Infuz with Liz is completely redoing her living room.  This is her new sofa, don’t you love her color choices.  She gives some super tips on how to pick out the fabric.

Ok, now let’s see what all you guys have been up to.

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