Landscaping – Garden Clean Up

This has been a really crazy winter everywhere.  Even here in the desert, we had some really cold temps and down to freezing a couple of times.  That really wreaks havoc on plants designed for hot weather.  Now our temperatures are perfect and it is definitely a great time to be outside.  Time to do a lot of yard clean up, cup back and replant.  I also like to take this time and give the house a good wash down with the hose.

We have a small home typical of most homes in Arizona.  Stucco, with a tile roof and not a lot of architectural detail.  I do enjoy our small porch, and this is definitely great weather for enjoying the rockers.

 We can grow a few tropical plants that are typically indoor plants in other places, so I enjoy a few of those on the porch.  I need to find a new table to go between the rockers, I borrowed the garden stool and use it in the master bedroom.  Oh, well, that’s a good excuse to go shopping.

 A few more tropical plants by the front door.  I need to replace all of the plants next to the walk, they didn’t make it through the cold weather.

 Instead of a wreath I did a basket, I like it for a change.

Time to get some new plants in and then enjoy those rockers.

I’m joining the following parties:

Danielle @ Silver Pennies for Silver Pennies Sunday

Elaine @ Sunny Simple Life for Sunny Simple Sundays

Aimee @ Twigg Studios for Sunday Showoff Party

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