Company’s Coming

Some friends are coming over this weekend, so I made one of my favorite go-to dishes.  Enchiladas.  Super easy and always sooooooo good.

1 lb. ground beef

1 small can enchilada sauce

1 small can chopped green chilis

1 med onion – chopped

1 can black olives – chopped

1 pkg. shredded Mexican 3 cheese mix

8 to10 flour tortillas

Brown ground beef, add the can of chopped green chilis and cook thoroughly.

 Place a flour tortilla on a plate and cover with a generous spoon full of enchilada sauce and a large spoon full of meat mixture.

 Cover meat with a spoon full of chopped olives, some chopped onions and generous portion of shredded cheese.

 Roll up tightely and place in a non-stick sprayed pan.  Continue with all of the tortillas.  Spoon some of the remaining enchilada sauce over the top – do not overdo this and drown them, just cover them.

Cover with the remaining cheese and sprinkle with olives.

Spray non-stick on some foil and then cover and seal.  Can be cooked immediately or kept in the fridge for a couple of days or in the freezer for a month or so.  If frozen, thaw thoroughly then bake in 350 oven for 40 to 50 minutes.  You want them to be really hot all the way through and to hear and see the sauce bubbling in the bottom of the pan.

 See this cutie little new appliance that Santa brought me.

Perfect size to chop those onions and olives in just a flash.  Dishwasher safe and so easy to use.  Love it.

As you can see, all cooked and the cheese is all melted both on the top and inside the enchilada.  Two make a really generous serving.   You can add condiments of salsa, sour cream or guacamole.  

I will fix some refried beans and a salad to go with the enchiladas.  Super easy and yet tasty meal anytime and even when company is coming if you want a casual dinner.

So what is one of your favorite fix-ahead dishes?

I am joining: Rattlebridge Farm for Foody Friday
 Funky Junk Interiors for Saturday Nite Special

  Classy Clutter for Spotlight Saturday
  Be Different Act Normal for Show and Tell Saturday

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