136th TTT Features

Since we are having our Fall Cloche Party instead of Table Top Tuesday this next week, I thought I would show you some of the fabulous inspiration shared last week.

Opulent Cottage created this beautiful fall display for her Sideboard.  I love the grasses mixed with the pinecones and leaves.  So lovely and isn’t the window pretty leaned again the mirror.  I love the plates in the frames too.  Stunning

The Best Moments created this absolutely fantastic display on her hutch.  You just have to see her entire vignette.  Stunning elegant simplicity at it’s best.

La Belle Epoque Home created this fall frenchy tablescape, honoring the french art of cheese.  Gorgeous olive jar too.  Love this.

Now how creative is this.  These fancy pumpkins are created by The Thrifty Rebel out of shower curtain rings.   She give us a complete tutorial too.

Texas Fiesta Ware Fan uses her dishes to create a fabulous fall tablescape.  I love the subtle touch of blue.  She’s a newbie blogger too, so stop by and say hello.

Don’t you just love this.  Rose Vignettes designed this wonderful vignette, and she shares even more fall decor.  You have to go see, so fun and so pretty.

Mona at Wsprsweetly of Cottages is a girl after my own heart.  She shares some of her fall decor and she doesn’t believe that less is more, instead she thinks more is more and I so agree.

This great Fall Mini Pumpkin Garden cloche was created by Zuhaus At Home.  This is so perfect since next week we will be having our Fall Cloche Party.

If you were featured, I would love for you to grab my “I’ve Been Featured Button” on the sidebar.

Hope you are all getting your cloches ready, I can’t wait to see them.


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