Up North & Sedona Red Rocks

We took off last week for a day and took a trip up to Jerome and then on over to Sedona for just a little sight seeing and a great day trip full of fun.

Jerome is an old mining town built literally hanging off the side of the mountain.  This is part of the view you see as you are winding your way up the hills.

 Jerome main street.

 Do you see the saloon, still open and has been for almost l00 years.  The hotel is on the corner, this use to be quite the place for the miners to visit the “ladies”.

 Everything is hanging off of something.

 Lots of tourist shops and this just cracked me up.  I don’t think I would like to have my coffee out of a rattle snake mug.

 One shop that I thought was fascinating was a Christmas shop.  They had the most incredible hand made Santas.  Super pricey too.  This one is $999.00.

 This one is only around $600.00

 They had dozens of trees, I just couldn’t take pictures of them all.

 How about a Saguaro cactus decorated for a Christmas Tree.

 See the sign “Your husband called.  He said to buy anything you want.”  Mine said no.

 They have several winery’s in town, this one had some really great wine and some that was a little pricey too.

 This is the view of what’s left of the mine ditches and sledge, plus the hotel and where the miners lived.  This is looking out the window of the winery.

 Leaving Jerome and on our way to Sedona.

 Now we begin to see some of the Red Rocks as we start to enter town.

 After you leave Sedona and head on your way back down to Phoenix, you can see the plateaus of the hills. It looks like someone just sliced them off.

We had a fun day, enjoyed getting out of Dodge and seeing something different.  Great to try out my new little car too and yip-skip, we got 38 mpg even up and down all the mountains.  That’s pretty good.  They advertise 41, so I am pleased.

If you are ever in Arizona, this should definitely be on your list of places to visit.


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