132nd Table Top Tuesday

Welcome to the 132nd Table Top Tuesday.  I am so glad you joined us.  Just a reminder before we get started.  I really would like to encourage all of you to please TURN OFF WORD VERIFICATION.
It is not necessary and I know you are missing out on comments.  I see through Linky that you have pageviews, but no or little comments.  It is almost impossible to type those wonky words in right the first time and people just won’t give it a try.  They just click right on by.  So please TURN OFF WORD VERIFICATION. One other thing.  Some of you have elected to use a fancy script  type for your blog and in very small type.  It also is very difficult to read.  Maybe keeping it basic is a much better idea.   I think you will be amazed at the response you get from your followers.  Blogger has placed so many features in place that catch and stop spam, I am sure you will find you do not receive any.  Give it a try.

Today I want to share a few features from last week, there is so much to see and so many wonderful ideas, I just wanted to share a few that really caught my eye.

Sometimes a post just speaks to you, deep at the center of your being.  This one did just that.  Carmen at Country Blessings just finished reading Pride and Prejudice.  Read her post, it will touch you too.

Copper~n~Things created this fabulous vignette.  Look at the pumpkin topped with the fringe.  Love it.  Go over and see Sandy’s porch.  You will love it.

Pat @ On Crooked Creek always creates the most wonderful vignettes on her hutch.  You will love this one, just look at her Doves.  Gorgeous.

Ritamay @ May Days created this fabulous work of art as a door replacement for their van.  You definitely have to see this.  Amazing.

Cindy at Beaux R’eves has created a beautiful fall vignett in her entry that is stunning.  See how she placed a fall arrangement inside the lantern.  I never think of these things, this is gorgeous.  Go see the whole vignette, it is so beautiful.

If you would like, please grab my “I’ve Been Featured” button on my sidebar.

Ok, now let’s see what you guys have been up to.  I can hardly wait.


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