Blogger Lunch & Swap Party

It is always so special any time a bunch of bloggers and friends get together.  You can’t imagine all the talk, laughter and squealing.

  Laura at Decor To Adore hosted a get together for a group of us ladies to bring gently used decor items that we were no longer using and everyone could swap.  Such a fun idea, plus she served the greatest lunch.  Look at this fabulous placesetting she made for each place.  How fun and creative is this.  To read the whole story you need to visit Laura here.  She has more pictures ( I borrowed these from her) and tells the whole story of the swap party and shows all her fabulous decorations.  Plus today is her Birthday, so be sure to go tell her Happy Birthday.

 A decor swap party is such a great idea and so fun.  All of our swap items were placed on a big table and then we were each given a number so we could pick something new.   Whatever was not taken during the swap would be donated to a charity for battered women and children.  What a fun idea.  We get to shop each others house all from one spot.  Oh, and I forgot to mention, you could steal.  If someone picked what you wanted, then when your turn came you could steal.   Toooooooo fun.

When my turn came, I couldn’t resist this fabulous vintage tablecloth.

My breakfast table is my favorite, it is 54″ round without leaves and with the 4 leaves I can seat 12.  It has had many wonderful family gatherings around it.  Because of it’s size, sometimes it is hard to find tableclothes that will fit, and especially vintage ones.  They seemed to be a lot smaller.  Laura collects gorgeous vintage and antique linens and she put a few things out for the swap pile.  I just fell in love with this wonderful Christmas Tablecloth.  How perfect is this.  Don’t you just love this pattern.

 The poinsettias on the corners are stunning and such beautiful colors and the gold pine cones. Love it.

 Just look at the wonderful detail of these Christmas ornaments on the garland that goes all around the whole cloth.

 So pretty and one I can use without all the leaves.

Since it was the day before my birthday, I was spoiled and got to pick first.  Laura also had a fabulous cupcake with a candle and they all sang Happy Birthday.  Pretty spoiled.

My friend CK @ Thinkin’ of Home and I usually have lunch and do gifts on each others BD, since she was at the party, she brought mine.  Can you believe this gorgeous piece.  She found a fabulous treasure.

A silver centerpiece to hold flowers and candles.  Stunning detail and I love the petal design around the top of the bowl.

See the fabulous flower frog inside.  Isn’t this the prettiest thing.

The frog comes out and then you could fill the bowl with fruit for a different centerpiece.  Now you know that I am going to use this constantly.  Love it.  Thanks CK, you are the best.

I couldn’t wait to get home and put some flowers and candles in it.  I have it sitting on the buffet for now.  The next time I have dinner guests, won’t this be stunning with some gorgeous fresh roses and beautiful cream colored candles. 

I sat it on the dining table and it looks fabulous there too.  Such a wonderful piece and such a precious gift.

We all had  a fabulous time at the party, lunch was delicious and we got to see Laura’s GORGEOUS new house.  Just wait ’til she posts pics.  It is beautiful.

Don’t forget about my BD giveaway.  Click on the button on my sidebar for these two fabulous books.  You will love them.  Entries end on 8/24

See you this evening for Table Top Tuesday.


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