This Weeks Treasures

As usual, I did find a couple of things at my Goodwill this week.    I always love it when I find silver and this week there was a real treasure.  I love to have a relish tray assembled for every dinner and get together, it just seems like our family always enjoys all the little extras.  This glass and silver tray is stunning.

 A couple of copper pieces will be fun to play with too.  Great for a frenchy vignette.

Just look how beautifully the silver cleaned up.  The fretwork on the rim of the tray is beautiful.   Stunning, what a lovely piece to have.

 This little copper colander polished up really pretty too.

 This little pitcher cleaned up nicely and has such an interesting handle and base in brass.

Fun finds.  I am trying to be much more selective in what I pick up, trying hard not to wind up with a garage full again. lol

I am linking to :  Southern Hospitality for Thrifty Treasures

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