Time For My Annual Makeover – Me

Well, it’s birthday time again and so it’s time for my annual trip to the salon for a complete redo and makeover.   Every year I try to go to a great salon where they redo your hair and makeup.  Staying current and in style is fun, but I want to look age appropriate too.  Now that doesn’t mean old, just something soft and pretty.  I had the best time at the Salon.  You know how a facile, new makeup colors and tips, haircut and color can make you feel like a whole new person.  Here’s a pic of the new me.

Little bit shorter hair style and a little lighter color.  Kind of messy, tossled curls.  That should be easy.

 I got some new reading glasses too.  Time to update those as well.  (DH says this is what I look like most of the time, peeking over my glasses.)

L’Oreal Visible Lift around the eyes and sides of the nose.   Soft brown liner for the eyes, and a little bit of glow on the cheeks (she actually used a peach color eye shadow since it added a tiny bit of shimmer to my face).  Apricot for the lips, some mascara and I am done.

 I will be 73 Sunday and I am so thankful that I am super healthy, have wonderful friends and a totally awesome family.  God is Good and I am Blessed.

Be sure to click on the link on the sidebar for my BIRTHDAY GIVEAWAY.  Two wonderful decorating books that you will love having in your library.

We’re heading up to the High Country next weekend as a BD getaway.  Can’t wait to be in some 70 degree weather.

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