Tons of New Accessories

There’s a really fun store in Phoenix that is called A Second Look at 32nd st. and Shea.  Really different inventory, some new, some consigned, housewares, decor, and clothes.  You name it, they have it.  A friend and I went shopping and stopped in to see what was new.  Thought maybe you might like a peek through the decor section.

Seems like they were into a lot of the tropical and jungle look.

 Now the style was beginning to change.  Pretty lamps with the blue.

 Glass and Silver that was all stunning.  Tons of it just crammed on these shelves.

 Look at that silver coffee pot with the white ceramic spout and handle.  Really different.

 Now we’re into a little more modern section.

 Some Old World coming up.  (See all those clothes racks in the background.  I didn’t take pics of that side, but it is huge. )

 A big Country and even Western section.

Always such a fun store to wander through.  I will show you a neat treasure later.   Hope you enjoyed shopping.  

Don’t forget, we are having our SUMMER CLOCHE PARTY   this Tuesday 7/24 instead of the Table Top Tuesday party.  So, get all those cloches out and start playing.  I can’t wait to see what you do.

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