Another Antique Scales

While unpacking the boxes left in the garage, I came across another one of the antique scales that I have.  I thought I would keep it out and create a vignette of scales.

 This is a candy or confection scale.  Remember those.  They had a big scooped bin to hold all your goodies.

 My mom bought this one in El Cajon, Calif. when a small grocery story there closed.  It was certified for correct weight in 1955 for the last time.  I think she bought it that same year.  This model was made in l936, so it was used for quite a while.

 The back not only shows you the weight, but it calculates the price.  That is if you know how to read it.  I havn’t figured it out.

 This smaller candy scale I have shown you many times before.  I love it’s brass basket and how old it is.  This one was made somewhere around 1920.

 This one says you can weight it and calculate the price too.  I don’t know how to do that on this one either, but I think it is fascinating.

 The egg scale is calculating something too.  On the side it shows points.  I don’t know what that was for, but isn’t it fun to see all of these old things and try to figure it out.

Nice to get this one unpacked and have it on display again.  I  had forgotten all about it.

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Susan @ Between Naps On The Porch for Metamorphosis Monday

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